warmest season of the year
[ˈləviN’] **silent G**
enjoying the specified activity or thing – see above
Happened so fast!
Temps are rising & just like that…it’s SUMMER. As the sun fights through the southern California June gloom, I’m enjoying & taking full advantage of the longer days by taking advantage of whipping up a beginning of summer menu. I just need a sprinkle of fun, a drizzle of sunshine & a great group of friends to laugh + cook with. Who’s ready to eat with me?!?
our summery menu~
If you’re like me & live in a small apartment with an even smaller kitchen with no air conditioning, you do what you can & become creative with your meal choices during the hot So.Cal days of summer. So when creating this menu, I thought of ways to eat a delicious meal while still keeping cool. This brings us to the no-cook options of blending + grilling. OK, so grilling is still technically cooking but it’s done outside where you don’t risk heating up the apartment. Close enough in my book! #grillingnotcooking
So we got the means of the meal…how about the feels?
What is summer to you? When you close your eyes & think of summer what makes you smile? You know, the giddy “I don’t know that I’m smiling” smile. Thinking back, my childhood summers consisted of running round the block with friends then going inside to cool down & re-charge. In my house that meant ice cold summer fruits! Juicy, sun kissed strawberries, watermelon & oranges. OH my~! Now that I’m older (-ish), I get to share my summer favorites with my grown friends. SUMMER 2.0 **sidenote: I’m in my 30’s so…SUMMER 3.0?**
1 part tequila
1 part fresh grapefruit juice
splash of lime - to taste
1/4 part sparkling water/club soda
mix with ice and serve. I prefer my pre-meal Paloma to be subtle but you can add simple syrup to sweeten it up.
vine ripe tomatoes
red bell pepper
thai chile
tomato paste
evoo (extra virgin olive oil)
s+p (salt + pepper)
lime juice
combine & blend. As you’ve noticed, I don’t work well with exact measurement recipes. Everyone has different tastes - likes & dislikes - some like it sweeter, some like it hot! Cooking, for me, is ALL about experimenting & tasting as I go to find a good balance of flavors.
serve chilled and top with avocado & chopped cilantro
for the shrimp
shrimp (de-shelled)
thai pepper (chopped)
lime juice
fresh squeezed orange juice (since i’m using mandarin oranges for this meal, I used the juices instead of OJ)
evoo & s+p
in a medium bowl, place all ingredients in and massage. seal with plastic wrap and refrigerate - lets the seasoning & juices soak into the shrimp. I typically prep this a day before.
for the creamy basil smear
sour cream
thai peppers
place all ingredients into a blender and hit puree!! I added more thai peppers in for spicy kick to the spread. Place into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Into the refrigerator it goes…chill for assembly.
additional ingredients
avocado (chopped)
mandarin oranges with juice
cilantro (chopped)
once the grill is hot and ready, let the grill master (in this case, Max “theMAN") toss the shrimps on the barbie for some beautiful grill marks. Shouldn’t take too long. Lay out the endives onto a plate and bring out the chilled creamy basil spread. With the back of a spoon, get a dollop of the creamy basil and spread a thin layer onto the endive. Place grilled shrimp, mandarin orange & avocado in each endive and top with cilantro.
boneless/skinless chicken thighs
evoo & s+p
fresh rosemary, thyme, sage
in a bowl, combine & massage the ingredients together. Plastic wrap and let sit over night, if time permits. Place into the sous vide at temp 150 degrees for about 1-1.5 hours - this will cook it just enough to keep the moisture in. Cook further on the grill for that great charred flavor.
for the picked watermelon rind - prepare at least 2 days before meal
rind of 1 small/medium watermelon rind (pink flesh removed - I like to keep a thin layout on…it’s pretty~)
1 cup salt
6 cups sugar
4 cups apple cider vinegar
1 cinnamon stick
5 thai peppers
1-2 star anise
4-5 cloves
peel the green skin off the watermelon rind with a knife or peeler and cut rind into blocks. In a large bowl/container, combine the salt and 6-8 cups of warm water & mix until fully dissolved. add the watermelon rinds into the salt solution. I like to place a bowl or plate on top to keep the rinds fully submerged. Plastic wrap and place into the refrigerator for 24 hours.
after the soak, drain the rinds and place aside. In a large pot, combine 8-10 cups of water, sugar, vinegar, cinnamon, peppers, star anise & cloves. Bring to a light boil and add the watermelon rinds. Let simmer until the rinds are translucent & soft (about 1.5 hours). Cool completely. Add to air tight jars and refrigerate for at least 24 hours. Can refrigerate for up to 1 month.
additional ingredients
shallots (minced)
orecchiette pasta (cooked)
ice cubed watermelon
olives (your choice. Mine was Kalamata olives)
crumbled feta cheese
evoo & s+p
cut the rind into thin slices & set aside. In a large salad bowl, combine & toss all ingredients (except for the chicken which will be served along side the salad). Using the juice from the picked watermelon rinds, create a vinaigrette by whisking mayonnaise, evoo & s+p. Plate, serve & ENJOY!!
courtesy of Max
2 oz bourbon (Old Forester)
1 oz limoncello
a dash of orange bitters & Angostura
combine all over ice & stir. Serve with lemon garnish.
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
1-1/4 cup all purpose flour
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
fresh thyme (chopped)
lemon zest
add butter to a large mixing bowl; beat until creamy. Mix in the sugar; add thyme, juice & lemon zest. Beat until combined. Add flour mixture to butter mix. Beat until combined. Separate into 1-1/2 inch log. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut shortbread into 1/2" inch slices. Place on prepared baking sheets. Bake for 10 minutes or until lightly browned.
I don't bake so this was quite a wonderful treat for me!!
~sweet taste summer~
Sitting down & sharing this meal with old + new fiends was so amazing & refreshing…to our stomachs, our palate & to our souls. We laughed about our past, discussed our present & dreamed of our future…making our meal taste even better. It’s moments like these that brighten up my life & reminds me to cherish everyone I love.
Thank you to Max & Dana for always keeping the door open (& the kitchen ready) for me. I love you both.
So great seeing Quinn (a fellow food connoisseur) & meeting her man, Ryan.
A big thank you to RJ Guillermo @eatthebus for your ever amazing photography & videography skills & work.
Onward, fellow foodies, to our next culinary(-ist) adventure,
In honor & memory of Mr. Bernard Pariseau. I’ve only met him briefly but know him to be a kind and wonderful man who raised an incredible woman who’s become my friend & sister. His memory, love, wisdom & laughter will be carried on through his beautiful daughter Dana & son-in-law Max.