/ (ˈdʒɛmɪˌnaɪ, -ˌniː) /
person(s) born between May 21 & June 20
the Twins, Yin/Yang, Good/Bad
\ ˈku̇k-ˌȯf \
friendly weekend cooking competition
Our kitchen in the mountains
Here’s a video of our Gemini feast~
Let’s take a moment to think back on the past couple of months. How has 2019 been treating you? For me, 2019 has been…eventful, to say the least. It’s been a journey that will strengthen me for life…the good, the bad and the unknown.
After spending some time deciding what needs to be purged & changed in my life, the month of May was well spent finalizing my next steps in life and spending much needed time with MYSELF, my family & friends. Amongst my friends, there is a one Ms. Dana B with whom I knew would be fast friends the moment I met her and she uttered the words “My husband is picking me up to go to the Nine Inch Nails concert!” When we realized that her hubby (Mr. Max B) & I had the same birthday, our bond as friends was strengthened into family.
The twenty-fifth day
In the month of May
Of two separate years,
Bore Gemini twins
Who loves to cook & say Cheers!!
I’m not sure if it fits with any “approved” poetry style…but we dance to the beat of our own drums *snap snap*
our view out to nature
my busy army of sous chefs~
This year a small group of our closest friends & I decided to AirBnB a cabin in Frazier Park, California for the long weekend for some R&R filled with mountain air, refreshments (aka gettin’ our drank on~) & a good ol’ fashion cooking challenge!
Secret ingredients were picked out & revealed by the wives as well as a timed menu brainstorming session & 30 minute grocery shopping stop before heading up to the cabin:
Sazon Goya seasoning
Chaokoh Coconut Milk
Bonne Maman Lemon Curd - spoonful of yummy goodness
Nopalitos Rancheros (Cactus) - thank god Max knew how to cook these…I had no idea
White Castle Sliders - mmm…murder burgers (for those who know…YOU know!)
Julienne red beets & pineapples, cubed jicama & halved tomatoes. For the vinaigrette, whisk lemon curd, coconut milk, red wine vinegar, salt+pepper, lemon juice & EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
Boil water with rough cut green onions, carrots, celery, garlic, lemon grass & ribeye bone for approx. one hour. Add seasoning packet, coconut milk & green Thai curry paste. Mix. About 5 minutes before serving, add sliced mushrooms & chopped cilantro for a final boil.
The White Castle slider buns are pulled away from the patties & chopped into medium squares. Spread out into a cast iron skillet, drizzled EVOO & baked in the oven at 350 degrees until golden brown.
Season chopped jalapeno peppers, cubed ribeye steak & White Castle patties with salt+pepper & minced garlic. Saute in cast iron skillet. Surprisingly, the juices from the ribeye softens the White Castle patties & creates a great gravy. Top with chopped parsley
Season chopped crab meat, scallops & lobster with EVOO, salt+pepper & minced garlic. Saute in cast iron skillet. Top with chopped parsley.
**simple seasoning for both surf & turf since we have a lot of flavor from the other dishes. Plated with steamed rice in butter lettuce cups**
Vanilla Coconut Foam
In bowl, add vanilla extract, coconut milk, sugar, half&half. Whisk vigoroiusly with hand mixer until foamy. Scoop the foam into the plate with mixed fruit/berries & top with lemon zest. Light & flavorful…and it’s fruit so it’s healthy(ish?).
This weekend was for us to relax, enjoy spending time with our fr-amily & appreciating our loved ones. It makes you really think about who you have & keep in your life and how these people make you happy, keep you grounded & in many ways sane in this insane world.
Adding the cooking challenge make it even more special…the seamless collaboration of minds & hearts.
Thank you to Dana & myTeri for being amazing secret holders of the mystery ingredients…even though (yes, I admit it) I tried so hard to con it out of you both. Tehehe~ You both really made this challenge so interesting and fun!!
A HUGE pat on the back for Max, my Gemini Twin, for being such an amazing cooking partner in the kitchen. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, brotha~!
Thank you to Francis & Svetlana for being our sous chefs, taste testers & cocktail tenders…can’t do this without you both!!
A special shout-out to Mr. RJ Guillermo for his amazing photography & videography!! Please check out his skills on his inspiring website at
me having way too much fun in the kitchen~
Onward, Fellow Foodies, to our next food adventure,
in loving honor of an amazing chef and best father-in-law a girl could ask for, Mr. George L.
a husband, father, brother & friend…free spirit, fun loving, caring man to his family, friends & strangers who never stayed strangers for long.