A day of festivity or recreation when no work is done
A pause or gap in sequence, series or process
A bite of Thanksgiving
During this time of year, we’re so busy planning family time, trips & meals that we tend to forget to actually experience the moments we obsessively schedule. So with this in mind, I’ve decided to enjoy what’s left of 2018 (good riddance, really) with family & food and really be in the moment; not hiding behind a camera and making everyone wait while I get the perfect angle & lighting. But still, here are a few candid shots of family time moments.
~Sweet Food, Sweet Life~
After a few attempts, FAILS, and eventually perfecting the technique, making mini candied apple pops have been fun & therapeutic. It’s amazing watching people of all generations & cultures enjoy such a simple little treat. I got so many comments and compliments of how it reminds them of their childhood and how it helps them connect with their own children today. I ♥ food!!
**funny realization…While making these delicious treats, I felt like the evil queen of Snow White, down in my “laboratory” making apples for kids and a friend recently referred to me as the witch in Hansel & Gretel because I’m not very fond of kids. Regardless, I do love cooking for them. So in conclusion…I’m a Disney/Fairytale witch!! Dream come true…minus the killing/poisoning part…although, let’s be honest…SOMETIMES I’m tempted. MUAHahahaha~~
~Sweet+Savory Tradition~
During the time of year for traditions, my family & I are not fans of turkey…but every now and then, I want something that is reminiscent of an all American Thanksgiving meal. This year, along with everything else we made, I made a bite of Thanksgiving:
Whipped Duck Liver Mousse on Croissant Toast with Homemade Cranberry Sauce
Turkey, chicken, duck…all fair game (bird), right? See what I did there? 😊
~MaMa’s Comfort Food~
After any holiday, as does with alcohol, there’s the “hung over” day after with much needed recovery and rest. And there’s nothing better than my mama’s clam kal gook-soo (noodle) soup! I love watching her cook…watching her hands. It’s so natural for her…no instructions, no measuring. Just a pinch of, a drop of, a bit of…that’s probably why (if you’ve noticed) I don’t have precise recipes/instructions on my blog. Just suggestions. It allows room for imagination, exploration and discovery.
Added bonus, my mama’s homemade water (dong-chi-mi) kimchi…so refreshing!! Made with all home grown veggies & persimmon vinegar!! Yes, I know I’m spoiled~
~Late Night Snack~
For my fam, that means 8pm veggie & shrimp dumplings!!
Going back to the subject of hands…They have the magical ability to make things taste better. When dumplings (or ravioli from my previous posts) are handmade, it tastes so GOOD! As if all your heart, soul and good intentions are transferred into the food through your hands. And my mama has incredible hands. SHE, like all mothers, have all the power in her hands:
the power to heal & comfort
the power to feed
the power to give an EPIC ass whooping (true story~)
That’s why “mama” is not just my American term for mom/mother for her…it’s really Ma-Ma (마마) which in Korean is a way of addressing the Queen. And my mother is indeed theQUEEN!!
So let the feasting continue and I hope you enjoy every minute of the holiday…may it be the amazing foods+drinks, close friends and especially the time spent with family. Yes, if you’re anything like me and my family, there will be tears, drunken shouting, eye rolling, and the strong desperate need for therapy afterwards BUT there’s also the laughs, hugs+kisses, the re-retelling of fond memories and last but definitely not the least, FOOD!! Nothing says “I love you” like a room full of family+friends with full bellies dozing off to the sound of contented conversation and the TV.
So where ever you may be or however you are celebrating, may your lives be filled with happiness, good health, wealth and the adventure of a great meal!! Stay tuned for a new blog post in the new year. BRING IT ON 2019!! theCULINARYIST is ready~
Happy meals and onward to our next food adventure,